Financial Snapshot | |
Annual Revenue : | $394,000 |
Annual Expenses : | $52,000 |
Annual Profit : | $342,000 |
Traffic Snapshot | |
Monthly Uniques : | 2,400,000 |
Monthly Pageviews : | 5,750,000 |
Deal Snapshot | |
Current Asking Price : | $1,450,000 |
Seller Open To Offers : | |
Verified Video Stats : |
Site Visibility | |
Google PageRank : | 4 |
Alexa Rank : | 15,000 |
Inbound Links : | 4,300 |
Google Backlinks : | 3,235 |
Domain/Site Information | |
Domain Registration : | 1998/07/10 |
Site Established : | 1999/07/08 |
Monetize Summary | |
» Revenue of $400,000 yearly is generated predominately from Google Adsense |
Revenue Details: $400,000 yearly top line revenues, $342,000 yearly net profit (EBITDA)
Traffic Details: Organic search from Google accounts for 83% of traffic, direct & referral account for the remainder of daily users.
Expense Details: Expenses of $52,000 yearly are incurred by the hosting/server costs, freelance technical & design work, part-time owner management expense, & API services.
Industry / Keywords: world time, world clock, world weather, timezone
Attachments No attachments.